- <strong>Biden Administration Alaska Offshore Oil and Gas Lease Sale Confirms Lack of Industry Interest; Alaskans Call for the Administration to Remove Cook Inlet From Future Sales</strong>
- <strong>Harnessing the Changing Tide on Energy</strong>
- <strong>HEA & Dwindling Cook Inlet Natural Gas</strong>
- <strong>Seismic Testing North Of Anchor Point</strong>
- <strong>Trust Your Gut, and Stand Up!</strong>
- <strong>What the #@*% is 404 State Primacy</strong>
- A Decade of Racing to Connect People to Place
- A Letter from the Director
- A Vision for Cook Inlet's Next 25 Years
- ACF Ted Smith Conservation Intern
- Act Now for Cook Inlet’s Future Beyond Oil & Gas
- ACTION ALERT: Say no to Coalbed Methane Drilling (and Fracking) in the Susitna Basin!
- Agency Experts: Pebble Review Still Fails the Test
- Alaska Leads the Nation in Toxic Releases for a Good Reason: Large Mines Like Pebble Are Toxic
- Alaska Salmon are Shrinking
- Alaska's "Awful 8": Standing for Business As Usual
- Alaska's Corporate War on Salmon
- Alaska's Flawed Water Rights Do Not Safeguard Wild Salmon
- Alaskans Should Be In Charge, Not Private Energy Companies
- Alaskans Still have the Freedom to Choose a Future with Salmon
- Alaskans Thank Goldman Sachs for Move Away from Fossil Fuels in the Arctic
- An Ode to the Clean Water Act
- Another Salmon Loving Alaskan
- AOGCC Fracking Hearing - March 23, 2017
- ART (NOT Lease) Sale 258
- Art as Strategy: Envisioning a Just Transition
- Award Winning Mural Artist Celebrates Salmon in Homer
- Be a Hero: Eat, Shop, Support LOCAL
- Bear Viewing is Big Business in Cook Inlet. But Don’t Ask the Pebble People.
- Beginning & Young AK Farmers Network: A Path Forward
- Beluga Protection in Tuxedni Bay
- Biden’s Climate Plan A Good Start for Alaska
- BP Squeezing More Money from Alaska Kids, Roads, Public Safety & Seniors
- Bringing Solar Full Circle
- Building Our Energy Transition from the Middle Out
- Celebrating Alaska's connection to salmon at Salmonfest
- Chinook salmon declines related to changes in freshwater conditions
- Civics in Action: Fisherpoets Talk Habitat in Juneau
- Climate Action for Cook Inlet / Tikahtnu
- Climate Community, with Coffee
- Cold-water Treasure Maps
- Continued Toxic Oil Dumping in Cook Inlet Fisheries About One Thing: Money
- Convert Enthusiasm into Renewable Energy
- Cook Inlet is Worth It!
- Cook Inlet Watershed Survey
- Cook Inletkeeper IRA Charitable Distributions: A Tax-Free Opportunity
- Court Orders EPA to Update Science for Toxic Oil Dispersants on Offshore Spills
- Court Spanks DNR for Violating Alaskans’ Rights to Protect Wild Salmon
- Create the World You Wish to Inhabit
- Dan Sullivan Needs to Tell the Army Corps: Support Alaskans, Not Pebble
- Defend the Bear Coast from Pebble Mine
- Defend Your Vision for Cook Inlet
- Deshka River Named 2022 “Water to Watch”
- Does Cook Inlet Need More Oil & Gas Leasing and Dumping?
- Donate Directly from your Alaska PFD to Protect Cook Inlet
- Donlin Gold: Standing Firmly Against Free Speech for Iditarod Mushers
- Donlin Mine Set to Impact Alaskans’ Utility Bills
- Dunleavy Administration Admits it Rubber-Stamped Highly Flawed Permit for Donlin Mine
- Dunleavy Chooses Oil Over Salmon in Cook Inlet
- Dunleavy Launches Yet Another Assault on Wild Alaskan Salmon
- Dunleavy Opens Spill Rules for Industry Rollbacks
- Electronic Recycling: Inletkeeper’s Annual Game of Tetris
- Electronics Recycling is a Path to a Just Renewable Energy Future
- Elevating Local Knowledge to Protect Our Salmon
- Energy Democracy in Alaska
- Energy for the future is here now
- Energy security task force
- EPA Issues Final Rule Governing Use of Chemical Dispersants on Oil Spills
- Every Oil Spill Started with a Lease Sale - Lease Sale 258 Victory
- Exxon Says "No" Salmon on Ballot Measure 1
- Federal Court Reverses Offshore Oil Lease Sale That Threatened Belugas off Alaska’s Coast
- Feige Shows State Bias in Pebble Letter to Corps
- Film Premier: Super Salmon
- Fish Should Not Be Controversial
- For Peat’s Sake
- Former U.S. Commissioner to Anadromous Fish Commission Says "Vote YES on 1!"
- Fostering Local Resilience Through Food
- Fracking Opens Dangerous Door in Cook Inlet
- From Montana to Alaska: Embracing Climate Change Through Art
- From Newspapers to News Feeds
- From Roe to River and Back Again: Deepening Water Curiosity & the Life Cycle of Data
- Give Alaska Salmon a Brake!
- Giving Our Thanks
- Go Mine the Dump Instead of Baby Salmon Nurseries in Bristol Bay
- Gov. Dunleavy is failing Alaska
- Gov. Dunleavy Leaves Alaskans in a Ditch
- Gratitude & Guests
- GreenWave’s Regenerative Ocean Farming: A Case Study in Generating Ecosystem Services
- Groups Sue to Stop Biden Administration from Leasing Cook Inlet, Alaska for Oil and Gas Drilling
- Growing Resilient Communities: Alaska Farmers Market Association, A Year-End Review
- Growing Sustainable Roots for Alaska’s Farmers Markets, Farm Stands, and CSAs
- Guest Blog: Exxon Restoration Fund Process Should Maintain Strong Public Participation
- HEA Board Approves Contract for State's Largest Solar Farm
- HEA Members Watching and Waiting for Renewables: Annual Meeting Report Out
- HEA Renewable Goal Repealed
- Heat Wave Hits Cook Inlet Salmon Streams
- Help Stop Exxon from Running our Foreign Policy
- Hey Pebble! What About Our Water?!
- Hilcorp Gas Leak in Cook Inlet
- Hilcorp Wants to Increase Toxic Dumping in Cook Inlet. And ADEC is happy to help.
- House of Representatives Vote to Block Funding for Pebble Mine.
- How Do We Create a Circular Economy for Electronic Devices?
- How Much Are Alaska's Most Outstanding Waters Worth to You?
- How much risk are we willing to accept?
- How the Biggest Labor Uprising in U.S. History Shaped Alaska
- How to Be an Advocate!
- How to Comment on the Kenai Peninsula Borough Gravel Pit Ordinance
- If fishermen can’t flush a head in Cook Inlet, why should Hilcorp be allowed to dump toxic waste?
- Imagining the Future We Want into Being
- In a Just Future, We Are the Change
- In Pursuit of a Better Alaska Food System for All
- Increasing Pollution May Push Cook Inlet Beluga Whale Towards Extinction
- Inletkeeper Applauds Halt to Cook Inlet Oil & Gas Lease Sale Process
- Inletkeeper joins Alaska Native Tribes in Lawsuit To Protect Fish from Donlin Mine
- Inletkeeper Joins Alaska Natives in Lawsuit Over Donlin Pipeline
- Inletkeeper Joins Suit to Stop Dunleavy from Fouling Cook Inlet
- Interrupting the Mine to Landfill Pipeline
- Investing in LNG is a Bet on Climate Policy Failure
- Is the Pebble Mine Dead?
- It's Salmon Season!
- It's Time for a Fair Share in Alaska
- Johnson Tract Mine Prompts Big Questions
- Join us to stop Lease Sale 258
- Joy Comes in the Morning
- Judge Orders ADF&G to Reinstate Jet Ski Ban in Kachemak Bay
- Just Transition, Alaska Native Food Sovereignty: Resiliency in Action
- Kachemak Bay Conservation Center Solarized
- Keep the Net Metering Program at HEA
- Kids or Corporations?
- Last Week the Walker Administration Proved Why We Need the Stand for Salmon Ballot Measure 1
- Lawsuit Challenges Hilcorp’s Plan to Blast Cook Inlet Beluga Whales
- Let's Be Real About What's Critical
- Letter from the Director
- Listen to Hilcorp’s Relentless Seismic Pounding in Lower Cook Inlet Fish & Whale Habitat
- Little Mount Susitna Wind Farm
- Living as Conservation Medicine Experts in Alaska
- Living, Working, & Farming in a Salmon Landscape: Embracing an Alaskan Land Ethic
- Local Food and Clean Water: a Matter of Community and Salmon Survival
- Make an Impact with your PFD
- Make Time to Protect the Natural Values of Kachemak Bay
- Make Your Voice Heard for the Inlet!
- Massive Hilcorp Seismic Vessel Descends on Lower Cook Inlet Fisheries
- Mat-Su Basin Salmon Habitat Partnership
- Meaningful Community Action: Let's Get to Work!
- Mike Dunleavy & the Billionaire Koch Brothers Fiddle While Alaska Burns
- Mike Dunleavy Doesn't Know Alaskan Values
- Mike Dunleavy vs. Coastal Alaskans
- Mouth to Mouth Wild Run & Ride 2022
- Net Metering Continues: HEA July Meeting Update
- New Leases in Heart of Cook Inlet Mark Dangerous Turning Point
- New Pebble Tapes: Alaskans Will Pay for Pebble Mine Development
- New Report Shows Mining Not Alaska’s Next Golden Goose
- New Report Tells the Real Story about Large Mines in Alaska
- NMFS Bureaucrats Drive Beluga Whale to Edge of Extinction
- No New Oil & Gas Leasing in Cook Inlet
- No Secrets, No Spills
- Oil & Gas Lease Sale 258 in Lower Cook Inlet Canceled
- Oil & Gas Lease Sale 258 is a False Solution to High Gas Prices and Sacrifices Cook Inlet Communities
- On the Anniversary of the Exxon Valdez Disaster, Complacency & Neglect Are Roaring Back
- On the Anniversary of the Exxon Valdez, Cook Inlet Oil & Gas Shows Continued Complacency
- One Watershed, with Clean Water and Climate Justice for All
- Oops, He Did It Again! Dunleavy Stiffs Alaskans.
- Organic Matter Matters
- Organizing for Community Wellness, Hope and Resiliency
- Our Swimming Permanent Fund
- Paper Cuts Through Clutter
- Pebble Can Afford Fancy Lobbyists But Not a Feasibility Study to Show it has a Real Project
- Pebble is Bulldozing Alaskans – And our State Doesn’t Care
- Pebble Lies & Lobbyists
- Pebble Mine is Buying Permits Under the Trump Administration
- Pebble Mine says Everything is Fine at Industry Outlook Forum
- Pebble Mine:Voices from the Frontline
- Pebble Redux
- Pebble Redux: The Bears of Amakdedori | Full Film Now Online
- Pebble: When NO means NO
- People, Planet and Profits: Pillars for Building Sustainable & Equitable Food Systems
- Plastic Lumber Pilot Project
- Playing Russian Roulette with Lower Cook Inlet
- Politics, not Science, Define Alaska's Permitting Process
- Protect our Bear Coast - Say No to Oil Spills
- Protect the Susitna Valley: Renewed Threat of Coalbed Methane Drilling
- Public Comment Due Dec. 13: Alaska’s Biggest Business Deal of the 21st Century
- Push Back Against Pebble Mine, One Last Time
- Queer Liberation is an Environmental Justice Issue: Uniting Struggles for a Sustainable Future
- Questioning the Value of the Donlin Gold Mine
- Reflecting on 26 Years of Protecting Cook Inlet
- Regenerative Economies: Cornerstones for a Just Transition
- Renewable Portfolio Standards (RPS) Are A Way Forward for Local Energy
- Rise for Climate, Jobs & Justice
- Salmon Are More Than Food & Money
- Salmon Championfest
- Salmon Stream Temperatures Off the Charts
- Salmonfest Salmon Champions 2024
- Salmonpeople are Happy
- Say No to 404 Permitting in the State Budget!
- Saying NO to Massive Mines
- School Of Fish Workshop Series
- Science & Solutions
- Science to Conservation Outcomes
- Seeing Energy with One Eye Closed
- Seismic Airgun Assault to Start in Lower Cook Inlet this Fall
- Shape the Future of Kachemak Bay
- Sharing Stories and Building Trust
- Shedding Light on Pathways Forward
- Shifting Tides
- Sitka Harbor System Certified as Alaska's 4th Clean Harbor
- Stand For Salmon: The Long View
- Stand to Protect Lower Cook Inlet
- Stop Climate Denier Scott Pruitt from Running EPA
- Support Local, Protect Local: Join Cook Inletkeeper’s Business Partner Program
- Susitna Basin Recreational Rivers Plan Comment Period Ends March 5th
- Take Action to Protect Lower Cook Inlet from Oil & Gas Pollution
- Take Action: Wild Salmon Need Water
- Take Action: Wild Salmon Still Need Water
- Taking Back Facts & Science: We Have to Understand the Problem Before We can Address It
- Teen Corner
- Tell the EPA to Finish the Job & Defend Bristol Bay
- Thankful and Reflective
- The Corporate War on Salmon - Part IV
- The Corporate War on Salmon: Part 2
- The Day the Bears Went Hungry
- The Deliberate Disaster
- The Donlin Gold Mine Equals Disaster
- The Donlin Gold Mine Gas Pipeline
- The Donlin Mine: Alaska’s Latest Poster Child for Reckless Development
- The Dunleavy administration can’t blame residents for Alaska’s black eye on resource development
- The Federal Government Wants to Industrialize Lower Cook Inlet
- The Future of Food: Prioritizing Local and Sustainable
- The Future of Lower Cook Inlet
- The largest corporations on the planet are attacking your right to clean water
- The Lessons of Oil & Gas Leasing in 2022
- The Mining Industry Wants it Both Ways
- The Mining Regulatory Clarity Act Is A Dangerous and Misleading Example Of Corporate Welfare Amidst The Critical Minerals Mining Boom
- The Pebble EIS: Good for Fire Starter
- The Pebble Mine & the Kochtopus
- The Pebble Partnership: Still Tone Deaf After All these Years
- The Pebble Partnership: When Lying Liars Tell Alaskans to “Trust the Process”
- The Perfect Mouthpiece for the Corporate “NO” Salmon Campaign
- The road to energy security isn't through Cook Inlet
- The Sausage-Making Factory
- The Shadowy Backdrop to the Corporate Campaign Against Alaska Salmon
- The State Must Ensure Strong Oil Spill Prevention & Response Protections for Cook Inlet!
- The systems that bind us
- The Walker Administration & Big Mining Corporations Get What They Wanted: Permission to Destroy Our Salmon Habitat, Forever
- The War on Alaska Salmon: Conflicts of Interest & Corporate Influence Infect Wild Salmon Protection
- This is YOUR Future
- Tracking Thermal Stress in Salmon Streams
- Tracking Your Carbon Foodprint
- Trading Food Security, Fisheries, and Local Economies for Temporary Gains: Oppose Lease Sale 258
- Transition is Inevitable, Justice is Not
- Trump EPA Loses Major Clean Water Act Case on Toxic Oil Spill Dispersants
- Trump Hides Behind Virus to Ramp-Up Shameless Assault on Alaskan Waters
- Trump Throws Lifeline to Big Oil With Last-Second Inlet Lease Sale
- Update: Pebble Keeps Feeding the Swamp to Push Dead-End Mine
- UPDATE! May 17, 2019
- Urgent Climate Action
- Visualizing a Just Transition
- Walker Administration Rejects Salmon Protections, Weakens Law
- War, Energy and the Climate Crisis
- Warm Winters bring Unwelcomed Aphids
- We are DONE with the Debate
- We are Grateful
- We Are Not the Last Frontier for Resource Development
- We Cannot Wait for International Politics: Climate Action Now.
- Weaker Oil Spill Rules Dovetail with the Need for Stronger Dispersants Safeguards
- West of the Susitna: Roads, Rollbacks and - of all things - Coalbed Methane
- West Susitna Access Road Project
- Western Conservationism Isn’t Working
- What the Frack?! State Protects Oil Corporations, Hides Fracking Info from Alaskans
- What's Lurking Around the Corner
- When Big Corporations Tell the Truth
- When is a Lie a Lie?: The Corporate Campaign Against Alaska Salmon
- When the Crazies Come
- White Noise and Our Vision for Cook Inlet
- Who is in the Room?
- Why are Native Corporations misleading their shareholders?
- Why Recycling Electronics Helps Fight Pebble
- Why We Can't Forget the Exxon Valdez Oil Spill
- Why we endorse Levine over Jones for HEA
- WTF is an NFT?
- You are Inletkeeper and Cook Inlet Needs You!
- Your Efforts for Bristol Bay have Paid off!
- Your Power, Your Vote
- Your Power, Your Vote: Pro-Renewable Candidates for the HEA Board
- Your Power. Your Vote.