Are You Heat Pump Curious?
Watch Homer Drawdown's Heat Pump 101 Video and learn more about heat pumps in Alaska.

Heat Pump 101 

Wow, how gratifying it is when our community shows up! We unexpectedly filled both virtual and physical rooms with last week’s Heat Pump 101 event in numbers greater than we’ve seen since precovid. 

If you were not one of the ~130 people in attendance and are curious about heat pumps, watch the meeting recording here. This event was held in Homer as part of Homer Drawdown’s Climate Smart Homes program. 

Presenters included:

  • Andy Romanoff, Alaska Heat Smart Director
  • Andy Lorentz and Randy Ardnt, local heat pump installers
  • Erin Mckittrick, HEA Board Member 

If you are in the Homer area and are interested in a heat pump, you can find a list of local installers here

Join us for our next Homer Drawdown Meeting:

Homer Drawdown: Climate Smart Homer Homes

  • What: December Planning Meeting
  • When: Tuesday, December 10th, 5:30pm Soup | 6pm Meeting
  • Where: Kachemak Bay Campus
  • Why: To continue planning January’s Homer Energy Fair

Learn more at