Net Metering Continues at HEA
— Josie Oliva
Thank you to everyone who made comments to the Homer Electric Association (HEA) Board by calling, emailing, and attending the board meeting and showing your support for the net metering program. The good news is that the HEA board did NOT hold a vote on a resolution to suspend all future net metering contracts, as board member Robert Wall intended for the July meeting. While the issue appears dropped for now, we will be keeping our eyes peeled and ears open in case it’s picked back up.
While we commend HEA for quickly shutting down the misguided idea of repealing new net metering opportunities for members, we are disappointed by their approach. Instead of acknowledging the 15-minute conversation on Wall’s proposal that took place at the June meeting, HEA Board President Dan Furlong – who will be up for re-election this upcoming spring – simply denied it was proposed at all. He went on to tell the engaged and concerned members that they had been receiving misinformation.
This calls into question HEA’s commitment, or lack thereof, to member transparency. We understand not wanting to add fuel to an unpopular opinion from one board member, but members have a right to know what is discussed at board meetings and the intentions of the board members, popular or unpopular. Instead of telling members their comments are misinformed, HEA should better inform members by publishing recordings of each board meeting and capturing more detailed minutes.
We were happy to see the discussion of a power purchase agreement and the strategic plan on the agenda but disappointed that both were discussed in a 2.5-hour-long executive session closed to the public. The motion for executive session cited “matters that would have an adverse effect on the finances of the cooperative.” When the board returned to public session, they all spoke of a great presentation. Dan Furlong requested a resolution be drafted for a vote at an unspecified upcoming meeting “since it was not ready for this month.” No specifics were described as to what the resolution would contain.
In the midst of a looming energy shortage, we’ve been eager for some real problem solving at the HEA board level, unfortunately what we’ve gotten has been months of sparse agendas filled with simple housekeeping tasks. The net metering conversation, as misdirected as it was, was the only recent substantive discussion relating to where we should be getting our energy. We hope that the outcomes of the executive session discussions about the power purchase agreement and the strategic plan will soon be relayed in the open meeting for the public to understand and weigh in.
Building trust with its member-owners should be a priority for HEA, with the uncertainty of the current energy landscape, members need to understand HEA’s action plan. HEA should start by releasing a full version of the strategic plan, redacting classified information as needed. Having more meaningful discussion during the public portion of the board meeting, and releasing a recording for members who can’t take time out of their work day to attend would also help build the trust that is lacking between HEA and its membership. For now, we look forward to learning more about what was discussed during the executive session and the upcoming resolution at the August Board meeting on the 13th.