Born and raised on Dena’ina lands in Anchorage, and currently enjoying the small-town life of Homer and Kachemak Bay, Satchel is grateful to call Alaska home. From mobilizing collective action that pushes back against extractive economies, to visioning and organizing projects that empower communities to drive relevant local climate solutions, Satchel is a community organizer with a passion for bringing people together. She finds joy in helping others find their role in supporting healthy and sustainable communities. Satchel enjoys gentle adventures through the watershed, exploring on skis, bike, boat or foot, with a net or basket in hand seeking nourishment from the lands and waters. Satchel has been part of the Cook Inletkeeper team since 2016 and envisions thriving, equitable and empowered communities in a resilient Cook Inlet watershed.
Satchel Pondolfino