Urgent Climate Action
Gov. Walker’s Climate Leadership Team is collecting public comment for a draft policy response to the causes and impacts of climate change. Comment before JUNE 4 Have you heard about ” The Blob”?  It’s a monsterous […]

Gov. Walker’s Climate Leadership Team is collecting public comment for a draft policy response to the causes and impacts of climate change. Comment before JUNE 4

Have you heard about ” The Blob”?  It’s a monsterous meterological phenomenon that super heated North Pacific waters starting in 2014 and was directly connected to a 70% decline in Pacific Cod stocks. Combined with other factors including competition from hatchery fish and natural predation, it doesn’t look great for our King Salmon either, with current record low returns and ADFG closures on the Kenai.

It’s time that Alaska takes meaningful action on climate change. Our communities are impacted on many fronts, but we are coming together for radical solutions, and uniting our efforts across geographic and cultural borders to protect a future for our wild salmon.

Please take a moment today to review Alaska’s Draft Climate Change Policies and submit your comments to the Alaska Climate Leadership Team. Your voice helps generate a culture of engaged Alaskans – and we need everyone.

Connecting the Dots for Salmon

The climate crisis connects our issues. Warming streams, ocean acidification and yes, plastic pollution, are having radical impacts on our clean waters and wild salmon returns. Visit our website to learn more about the solutions you can be a part of this summer.